
Pursuant to this Disclaimer and in compliance with the information requirements set forth in article 10 of Law No. 34/2002 of July 11, 2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (Spanish acronym “LSSI”, hereinafter) you are informed of this website ownership, having https://lavtecfabrics.com/ as domain:
  • Website ownership details:LAVTECFABRICS SA
  • ID no.: A39001219
  • Address / Registered office: Carrer Balaguer, 1 3ªD
  • Post code and city: 08227-Terrassa, Barcelona
  • Company listed in Santander Register of Companies, Book 9, Folio 206, Sheet 83, Spanish Registration Companies Section.
  • Email address: textilsantanderina@tsanta.es
  • Telephone no.: 931817513
You are informed by LAVTECFABRICS SA of both the access and the use of the website under the domain https://lavtecfabrics.com/ including any URL and subdomains, and the content available from this website, are subject to this use terms and conditions, without limiting that the access to some of such services or contents may require the acceptance of other general, specific or additional terms and conditions.
Therefore, if you do not agree with the provisions of these terms and conditions, we encourage you to refrain from using this website, given that using the website, its contents or its services entail acceptance of the legal terms herein.
LAVTECFABRICS SA reserves the right, with no previous notice and at any time, to discontinue, deny or temporarily or permanently limit the access to this website and/or its contents, as well as perform any amendments the organizations considers appropriate of necessary, without leading to a compensation right to the user.


The user shall be the sole responsible for the correct use of this website and undertakes to use this website according to the terms and conditions set forth in this Disclaimer.
The user undertakes to use this website and the contents and services provided and offered in accordance with law, morality, good customs and public order.
Likewise, the user undertakes to not using this website or the services provided though with illicit purposes or contrary to the content of these general terms and conditions.
Namely, the user is not allowed to conduct any of the following:
Use this website to advertise, sell, or take on self or third party information or benefits without prior consent or approval.
Circulate racist, xenophobic or pornographic content, content supporting infringements or criminal offenses, directly or indirectly encouraging glorification of terrorism, or contrary to fundamental rights and freedoms.
Damage IT systems owned by LAVTECFABRICS SA or infecting with and spread computer virus, malware or other systems which can potentially harm IT systems, we well as any unauthorized alteration of the contents available from this website.
Conduct or carry out any action against the intellectual and/or property rights of their rightful holder.
Incorporate, without an authorization from LAVTECFABRICS SA, any trademarks, logos, trade names or other distinctive sign owned by LAVTECFABRICS SA, in web pages or websites under the user or third party responsibility not duly authorized.
The user shall be liable to LAVTECFABRICS SA, or third parties for damages of whatever kind arising from directly or indirectly breach these general terms and conditions.


These terms and conditions do not surrender any intellectual or industrial property rights on this website nor any of its elements or content. Any reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available, extraction, complete or incomplete reusing, of whatever kind, by any means or procedure is strictly prohibited, except when legally allowed or authorization has been granted by the holder of the relevant rights.
Despite the aforementioned, the user is allowed to view and get a temporary private copy of this website contents for exclusive personal and private use at their IT systems(software and hardware), provided that it is not intended for commercial or professional use.
Moreover, the user shall refrain from getting the contents of such website by means or procedures that differ from the aforementioned or those normally use on the Internet (as long as those may not present a damage or disablement risk to this website).


LAVTECFABRICS SA has or may have profiles on main social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin). LAVTECFABRICS SA is to be considered responsible for processing of social network users’ or followers’ personal data. Such personal data processing carried out by LAVTECFABRICS SA will be identical to the processing allowed to company profiles on the social network, according to their use and privacy policies.
Thus, LAVTECFABRICS SA may inform its followers, regardless the means enabled by the social network, of new products, actions, and events, as well as offers or services of any kind.
LAVTECFABRICS SA shall not gather data from social networks, except in occasional situations with prior informed consent from users.


LAVTECFABRICS SA assumes no responsibility for not owned or third party web pages accessible from links, neither for any third party content available to users.
The user solely assumes the risk of using a link or accessing a not-first-party website, and LAVTECFABRICS SA under no circumstances warranties safety and legality of the information attained from a link unconnected to LAVTECFABRICS SA. Besides, LAVTECFABRICS SA assumes no responsibility on losses, claims, or damages arising from proper or improper use of a link, the information attained from it, or the service discontinuation when accessing other websites.


LAVTECFABRICS SA states that any required measure has been taken, within the scope of its possibilities and the state of technology, to secure a smooth and proper functioning of this website, and to avoid computer virus and other harmful elements spreading.
Nevertheless, LAVTECFABRICS SA assumes no responsibility in case a malfunctioning on service provision on the Internet or network outrages occur, affecting this website access and browse, regardless the cause of such failures.
Should the user be aware of the presence of content which is illicit or illegal, contrary to the law, morality or good customs, or may infringe intellectual or industrial property rights, they must immediately inform LAVTECFABRICS SA so that proper neutralization and security measures can be implemented.
Moreover, LAVTECFABRICS SA assumes no responsibility for any user’s wilful or wrongful act, or force majeure events, or any other out of LAVTECFABRICS SA control, nor for so-called hacker attacks, provided that LAVTECFABRICS SA has implemented every security measure available within the scope of its technical possibilities.


Should a construing litigation or controversy appear, the terms and conditions considered in this Disclaimer, as well as any other service provided by this website, shall be construed in accordance with Spanish law.
In order to settle any litigation arising from this website use, the parties agree that any dispute will be submitted to the competent Commercial Court for the area where LAVTECFABRICS SA has its registered office, as stated in this Disclaimer.